Mods/158th Banshee Squadron
Last updated: 2022-09-15 (First release: 2022-09-10) mod.json

Exposition is a 12 mission campaign that follows the story of Andre Greene, Callsign: Homie, through his time in the Earth Alliance as a fighter pilot in the highly decorated 158th Banshee Squadron.
Things are not looking good for the Earth Alliance. 12 Kiev-class destroyers and countless Andropov-class carriers of the Colonial Confederacy have descended upon the Aleutian Archipelago and established a stronghold near Strongpoint Obsidian. The Earth Alliance barely has enough resources to hold them off, and taking down the strong Colonial war effort will require more than just pilots.
Under the command of Commodore Rowe, your squadron will take part in point defense missions, escort missions, lightning strikes, and massive battles. Whatever your role is, it is always vital to the success of the mission, and I won't kid you, pilot, this won't be easy.
Release Thread
core (required)
SHA256: e5dcbbc2a5b69c4bc25026817b7b756b98470288c8b30b0d385fe706de09dd48
Total Download Size
64 MB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
e5dcbbc2a5b69c4bc25026817b7b756b98470288c8b30b0d385fe706de09dd48 core.7z
- core
- FSO [>=22.2.0]
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod 158th_Banshee_Squadron