Mods/Casualties Of War
Last updated: 2022-09-11 (First release: 2022-09-11) mod.json

Adhara - a relatively insignificant fringe planet, home to only a few colonists and astrophysicists. Until the last war. Adhara had already been designated a safe haven for Vasudan refugees from the NTF - soon it was full of the refugees from Capella. Filled with angry, dissilusioned Vasudans, Adhara is a troublespot for the Vasudan Empire. Already devolved from direct GTVA control, Adhara remains a hotspot of anti-GTVA and anti-Terran radicals.... prompting the GTVA to remove most of the defensive fleet away from the system. It is only a mothballed Typhon destroyer - the Queb - and a cluster of cruisers, controlled by Adharan miltia that currently defend the system - enough to dissuade any active attacks by the Adharans on GTVA ships in the surrounding systems, and any bid for independence. Until now........
Release Thread
core (required)
SHA256: bab85288b0471eefe01048241ec4559346d6b10aaf8551ff59b6686cbb72b64c
Total Download Size
93 MB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
bab85288b0471eefe01048241ec4559346d6b10aaf8551ff59b6686cbb72b64c core.7z
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod Casualties_Of_War,MVPS