Mods/Dusk Wars Act 2
Last updated: 2020-01-05 (First release: 2014-08-08) mod.json

[i]Notice: This version is old, a new version with a re-writen story is expected to be released in the future™[/i]
[i]A total conversion by BTA[/i]
A few months have passed since the Bal'ran have retaken their core systems of Soci, New Soci, and Xhi-Ceti but your shore leave has come to an end. Their crusade must continue to reclaim their lost worlds, but darkness awaits our fellow Bal'ran, but not just from the outside but from within.
• A 20+ mission campaign, that continues the unique Dusk Wars universe.
• Meet the Andvari - a complete new race.
• New fighters and weapons for your arsenal.
• Complete new weapon effects.[hr]
Notice: This modification, "Dusk Wars Act 2" and its predecessor, "Dusk Wars" have been designed with Fair Use in mind (please see this webpage for more information: )
If you feel you have not been fairly credited, please contact the creator of this modification, Neon Shivan, or on Hard Light Productions as BTA and state the work that has not been properly cited, or if you feel you do not want your work utilized in this mod, it shall be removed.
• BF Limos (AF Kato), Taygete (AF Tylisos), BF Aether (AF Phylaki), BF Archanges, BF Charlatan, BB Atlas (AB Attis), BB Zakros, BB Satyr, BT Dallie, BFr Phaistos (and its cargo, BC 1), BT Kythera, BC Kamares, BCv Arkalochori, BCv Mochlos, BD Pylos, BD Mythos (AD Odigitria), BD Archladia, BI Thera, Citadel (Pyrgos), BSD Minos, BCa Akrotiri, BS Kamilari, and BF Serio are from the Ancient Shivan War Team and their various modifications/modification dumps.
• BF Anouke by Akalabeth Angel
• BCv Uscana (Previously the GVCv Udjat) by the Scroll of Atankharzim Team
• BSG Overseer by Robin Varley
• BC Iraklion by Venom, from the OTT Dump
• Scorpion, Shaitan, Demon, and Demo Varient of the SB Nahema by Volition
• Ifrit, Kasdeya, Kahlan, and the Armaros by the Earth Defense Team
• Serpent, Mantis, Incubus, Hydra, Ojas, Yali, Succubus by the Inferno Team
• Xerxes by Galemp
• Lilith by Galemp
• Lamia by Axem
• Scyllia by Betrayal
• Bryn by Aldo
• Amritaya, Kismat, and Sidragasm by Inferno
• Annihilator by Unknown Creator but possibly Boewulf
• Erebos by Starman
• Vindhyachal by Robin Varley
• Gorgan by Dark
• Seshat by Aldo
• Khepri by Aldo
• Heset by Petrev
• Anhur by Aldo
• Newet by Oddgrim
• Jackal by Trashman
• Pharaoh and Apophis by Stratcomm
Weapons and Background effects from various sources
Some of these sources include but are not limited to:
• Earth Defense
• Ancient Shivan War Project
• Various Textures Packs from Various People
Notice: This list is clearly incomplete, if you spot your work being used in this mod, please alert me and you shall be added to the credit list
[u]Sound and Music By (or From):[/u]
Notice: This list is also incomplete, if you spot your work being used in this mod, please alert me and you shall be added to the credit list
• Avatar the Last Airbender
• HomePlanet
• Earth Defense Modification
• "Stand Against the Night" Modification by MadBomber
• Blueplanet Modification
• 8 Dawn Music Group (or Corporation)
• Mass Effect Game Series - Music utilized in this mod is by Bioware
• Audiomachine
• Machina Terra Modification Dump
Standard UI Background from this website: - Unknown Author, Please Clarify who the author is if known!
• Main Hall Background by: JoeyJazz
Testing done by Triikor aka Bloodfleet
The modification is made by Neon Shivan
-Also Known as:
Zero Vigilant
The Sathanas
and other aliases
You have permission to modify this mod as long as credit is properly given where it is deserved.
If you have any issues you may PM me at:
Steam under the alias of Neon Shivan
Hard Light Production's Forums under the alias as BTA
or my email at:
Thank you and I hope you enjoy Dusk Wars!
Release Thread
dwa2 (required)
SHA256: b7ca6203970a6e60930a13e5ecbd81dffd0156dd7cbf1b2dc0357cf53d0224c1
Total Download Size
55 MB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
b7ca6203970a6e60930a13e5ecbd81dffd0156dd7cbf1b2dc0357cf53d0224c1 dwa2.7z
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
Command-Line Flags (optional; ?)
-no_emissive_light -3dshockwave -post_process -soft_particles -fxaa -fb_explosions -fb_thrusters -enable_shadows -dualscanlines -targetinfo -rearm_timer -ballistic_gauge -ship_choice_3d -weapon_choice_3d -3dwarp -warp_flash -stretch_menu -fxaa_preset 9