Last updated: 2024-11-09 (First release: 2000-10-15) mod.json

[i]"Home... I want to go home..."[/i]
—An unnamed scientist working on a classfied emergency response project in Tau Sigma.
[hr]Five years have passed since the jump node to the [color=green]Capella[/color] system was collapsed, sealing off a massive wave of Shivan Juggernauts from pushing further into GTVA space. The supernova and subsequent nebula hang like a growing scar throughout the GTVA as light from that event continues to spread across our worlds.
The loss of Capella created serious economic hardship throughout the Alliance; a new Great Depression is upon us. The complete loss of the planetary resources and economic foundation of a rich world was devastating in its own right, but that is not all. Two hundred million refugees continue to walk the stars, seeking a new home. Some have settled, while others have been forced to move from place to place, hoping that the next place may welcome them with open arms.
While the [color=green]Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance[/color] continues to hold, the current depression has given way to political instability. Local governments rise and fall as often lunar tides; organized crime and piracy have prospered in a black market environment. It seems no one is immune. Radical voices are raising echoes not heard since the blood cries of the [color=red]Neo-Terran Front[/color]. The ghosts of the past are catching up with us.
Since collapsing the Capella Jump Node, the recovering [color=green]GTVA Fleet[/color] has spent much of its time and resources in police actions. Our own resources are taxed to the limit, and yet still we have the challenge to live up to our calling. Even so, it is alarming that there are those who are starting to take matters into their own hands.
What happens in the political arena is not our concern today. As part of the GTVA forces, ours is to keep space safe for our citizens.
You are to take a new tour of duty with the [color=green]212th Silver Scythes[/color] squadron in the [color=green]Tau Sigma cluster[/color], a remote group of systems beyond the Altair Jump Node. These are mining colonies, and while the GTVA presence is small, it is nontheless important.
This is not an easy assignment, pilot. You will often be working in less-than-ideal conditions, but we trust that your skill will help to bring some much needed relief to this region.
[hr]Original Concept - John 'Agatheron' Crowdis
Storyline - John 'Agatheron' Crowdis, Chris 'Kellan' Regan
Mission Design - John 'Agatheron' Crowdis, Chris 'Kellan' Regan
Original Squad Logos - Robert 'Dark' Wild
Original Saphah Reskin - Robert 'Dark' Wild
Original Hydra Skin - Rodrigo 'Styxx' Barni
Original Voices - John Crowdis, Steve Weese, Scott Kenny, Mark Herscher, Chris
Marciano, Bill Vasser, Peter Drake, Heather Drake, Rodrigo Barni, Dave Cruickshank,
Chris Regan, Mogens Boisen, Josh Norris, Liam Taylor, Black Ace
Original Mission Testing - Colin 'Icefire' Czerneda, Mark 'FireSplat' Herscher, Bill
'Chucker' Vasser, Robert 'Dark' Wild, Andrew 'GriffonUK' Bryant, Jason 'Solrazor' Gimba,
John 'Agatheron' Crowdis, Chris 'Kellan' Regan, Mike 'BlueFlames' Something, Dylan
'M'Prok' Behagg
Derelict Update - Blaise Russel
Voicework - Ransom Arceihn, Cobra, Spaceman Spiff, Mongoose, Redberg, Getter Robo G,
Ionia23, Stunaep, Nix, Darkblade, Azrael15, Blaise Russel
Voice Reprocessing - João Guimarães
Special Thanks
To the staff of Volition Inc. for creating a game that lets us tell a story
Everyone who downloaded Derelict 0.99 and reported back
To Agatheron and Kellan for creating the original Derelict campaign
Release Thread
Content (required)
All required core VPs
SHA256: fbd0f3940b0c0909f9a762c3ea4bf76c3e9e7e45eb9a95227f1be9fb4a6a572f
Voice (recommended)
Optional voice files
SHA256: f7f80d973933e6f1c14f2550d6b83d075af7fee653efed7395c225438e88c1c4
Total Download Size
423 MB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
fbd0f3940b0c0909f9a762c3ea4bf76c3e9e7e45eb9a95227f1be9fb4a6a572f content.7z f7f80d973933e6f1c14f2550d6b83d075af7fee653efed7395c225438e88c1c4 voice.7z
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod Derelict,MVPS