Mods/plz delete
Last updated: 2022-10-05 (First release: 2022-07-24) mod.json

The Immersion Mod!
Now with Medusa!!!
This is a Work In Progress.
Also it's my first attempt at... well lots of stuff.
Caveat Emptor. Management is not responsible for any and all unhapiness.
Choose what new features you want from the three packages on install. Screencam and on-screen-icons - same deal. Ideally, Head Tracking, Cockpits, Zoom, and the modern flight model all combine to create modern immersive gameplay. Come to the Discord for much more information, or to help me figure out how to do the rest. Testers/collaborators/requests/bug reports all warmly welcomed.
Sillent Threat Reborn is included and highly reccomended with the new features.
My existing readme for testers is in the "core" folder if you want to read some more ;-)
Update Notes Oct 5 22
HUD and gauges should be pretty much final now, and the super cool new 3D Flight Path Marker is included both with the cockpits and physics packages.
The Flight&Physics package also has anything related to balance and/or difficulty. The challenge was reduced in the flight model not the A.I. The Hercules was polished and the Medusa was finished after some failed attempts. I really reccomend ST:R for Medusa missions after many trials, the retail medusa stuff is meh imo.
Feedback welcome as I finish this.
core (required)
SHA256: 326a5fa89caa374698b32e802defa8514ebc8a9c108a8504f97c03b1dae05815
cp (recommended)
SHA256: 93dc58d2c87aa9c96c59aa6fb8851b28b8cf2706164a9658b6670e7f3b814f55
fly_phy (recommended)
SHA256: 57ec5a6fd8a39354f14f59ffe6495e03eed6becffcaaec0867acda345054b245
zoom (recommended)
SHA256: 05e562be50d70546a0b97300a9727252eb61af638fc5365d8dd37b387574ce8f
3D velocity vector (recommended)
SHA256: cdbadfa5f5dcddeab442f13c67166d33007790f2e608469c3f6d04445505e9d6
Total Download Size
21 MB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
326a5fa89caa374698b32e802defa8514ebc8a9c108a8504f97c03b1dae05815 core.7z 93dc58d2c87aa9c96c59aa6fb8851b28b8cf2706164a9658b6670e7f3b814f55 cp.7z 57ec5a6fd8a39354f14f59ffe6495e03eed6becffcaaec0867acda345054b245 fly_phy.7z 05e562be50d70546a0b97300a9727252eb61af638fc5365d8dd37b387574ce8f zoom.7z cdbadfa5f5dcddeab442f13c67166d33007790f2e608469c3f6d04445505e9d6 3D velocity vector.7z
- core
- fsport-mediavps
- movies
- music
- apngs
- remix
- tacskins
- mainhalls
- fsport
- UTF-8
- tango
- tango_hi
- warble
- stu
- odeon
- MV_Mainhalls
- MV_Music
- MV_Advanced1
- MV_Advanced2
- MV_Advanced3
- MV_Advanced4
- MV_Advanced5
- MV_A_Warp
- MV_Compatibility
- MV_Cutscenes_1
- MV_Cutscenes_2
- MV_AnimGlows
- FSO [>=22.2.0]
- screencam
- selfgamers_radaricon
- jds-hdradaricons
- FreeSpace 2 - Complete Silhouette Icons
- FS Port - Simplified Silhouette Icons
- FS Port - Complete Silhouette Icons
- Silent Threat: Reborn - Simplified Silhouette Icons
- jds-hdgenradaricons
- FreeSpace Port - Generic Icons
- strcoopup
- str
- voices
- movies
- mainhalls
- fs1coopup
- GOTYMissions
- MjnMHs
- krios
- intrepid
- wayfarer
- lucifer
- centaur
- aquitaine
- galatea_com
- galatea_a
- galatea_b
- bastion_com
- soyakaze
- bastion_a
- bastion_b
- fsport-mediavps
- cp
- MV_Mainhalls
- MV_Music
- MV_Advanced1
- MV_Advanced2
- MV_Advanced3
- MV_Advanced4
- MV_Advanced5
- MV_A_Warp
- MV_Cutscenes_1
- MV_Cutscenes_2
- MV_AnimGlows
- MV_RadarIcons
- fsport-mediavps
- music
- apngs
- mainhalls
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod FSPcustom,screencam,selfgamers_radaricon,jds-hdradaricons,jds-hdgenradaricons,strcoopup,str,fs1coopup,GOTYMissions,fsport,fsport-mediavps,MVPS,MjnMHs
Command-Line Flags (optional; ?)
-3dshockwave -soft_particles -aa -fb_explosions -fb_thrusters -enable_shadows -dualscanlines -targetinfo -orbradar -rearm_timer -window -3dwarp -warp_flash -no_ap_interrupt -no_screenshake -voicer -ballistic_gauge -nolightshafts ambient_factor 60 -spec_point 1.2 -spec_static 1.4 -spec_tube 1.4 -bloom_intensity 40 -fov .60