Mods/Journey to Epsilon Pegasi
Last updated: 2023-03-22 (First release: 2023-03-22) mod.json

The Second Great War is nearing its boiling point. Millions of Capellans are abandoning their homes, and are being evacuated in thousands of transports. The GTVA Colossus and a handful of other Terran military units are holding back the Shivan advance, taking innumerable casualties, military and civilian alike. The plan of the Shivans at Capella is still unknown.
The GTD Achilles, one of the last operational Orion-class destroyers, is stationed at Adhara, and has just received some new orders. Rumors are surfacing that some Shivan units left Capella, and entered the Epsilon Pegasi system. Having no military units at Epsilon Pegasi at that point, Command is reluctant to order this vessel and a few other military units to investigate whether the Shivans really infiltrated the system or not, and defend the system if need be.
The player takes up the role of a veteran Terran pilot, who had been court-martialed because of an incident that demanded the life of one of his companions. Now, his only aim is to find an excuse, or die on the battlefield.
Release Thread
Core (required)
SHA256: 53bd3674b9162e0b8574f55fd06d7e307c3d740798a6346be261c15e910d588a
Total Download Size
171 KB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
53bd3674b9162e0b8574f55fd06d7e307c3d740798a6346be261c15e910d588a Core.7z
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod JtEP,MVPS