Mods/Memories of the Great War - Omnibus
Last updated: 2022-01-12 (First release: 2021-01-09) mod.json

Memories of the Great War - Omnibus
v 1.1.0
Version 1.1 includes:
Rain On Ribos IV (Omnibus version)
Hellgate: Ikeya (Omnibus version)
Light of Antares (Omnibus version)
Known Issues:
- Disabling the option for Shadows to be displayed is recommened to enhance performance.
- The new Loading Screens only have placeholder images taken from RoR mission 1, LoA mission 1 and HGI mission 3. (to be adressed in v1.2)
- Due to time contrains the briefings of Rain On Ribos IV were not updated.
- Due to changes in version 1.1 to display a recommended order to play the campaigns, progress from previous versions does not carry over.
- In some missions, using time compression may result in severe performance issues.
- In some missions, more than one medal can be earned. However due to engine limitations only one medal will be awarded in the debriefing.
- In some missions, information for debugging the mission will still be displayed.
- Light of Antares, Mission 2 may crash to desktop at serval points in the mission if the High-Poly Karnak is used. This is a known asset related issue, to combat this the campaign will always progress to the Mission 3 regardless of the outcome, even if you just warp out at beginning. This may result in an empty debriefing screen.
- The MediaVPs graphical updates may not be applied to Terran Huge Turret, Vasudan Huge Turret, Terran Turret#Orion, Terran Turret#Acadia and Vasudan Turret#Typhon, as well as variants of the Phoenix V. (to be adressed in v1.2)
- During the Epilogue for Light of Antares, the first Horus may fail to make its turns. To combat this -for now- its collision detection with the Typhon has been disabled. (to be adressed in v1.2)
Where is "Aldebaran Anacrusis"?
- Due to the herculean effort required for debugging RoR mission 17b, it is now part of version 1.2
Where is "Vega Must Burn"?
- Version 1.2
Where is [REDACTED]?
- Version 1.2
Based on Conflict: Freespace by Volition Inc.
Uses the Freespace Port
Scenario/Mission Design - Jan ''0rph3u5'' Dombert
Scripting - ''Axem''
English Language Editor (v1.1+) - Iain ''Nomad'' Baker
Beta Testers:
2007 release:
- "Macfie"
- "Trashman"
2009 update candidate:
- "Rodo"
- "Solatar"
2016 update candidate:
- "Taranis"
- "Lykurgos88"
All contributors to the "Let's crowdsource an in-universe comments section!"-topic on HLP (Link):
- "Damage"
- "Kiloku"
- "Firesteel"
- "Assasin714"
- "Cyborg17"
- "MitoPL"
The "core"-package also contains:
- GTF Hercules, Recon-variant - by “Galemp”
- GTFg Jupiter aka GTCv Fafnir - by “Black Wolf”
- TCa Saggitarius aka GTCa Ymir - by "Nyctaeus", "Hades", "DahBlount" and "Mjn.Mixael"
- GTM Asklepios - by "Nyctaeus"
- GTI Asteria - by "Axem" and "Oddgrim"
- GTI Endymion - by "Axem" and "Black Wolf"
- GTI Veles - by “Black Wolf”
- PVC Mekhet aka PVC Tatenen - by "Nyctaeus"
- PVCa Ramses aka PVCa Bastet - by “Black Wolf”
- PVCv Pnepheros aka PVCv Kauket - by "Nyctaeus"
- PVFg Cleopatra aka PVM Naunet - by “Axem”, with textures by “Black Wolf”
- PVD Atum - by "Nyctaeus", with textures by “Black Wolf”
- PVM Duat - by "Oddgrim"
- VAC4#VLS - by "Mjn.Mixael" & "Nyctaeus"
- SB Ojas aka SB Barghest - by "Woomeister" and "Rampage"
- Prop Asteroids by ''Shivan Hunter'' & Anonymous
- Additional models by "Axem", "Mjn.Mixael" and others
- Skyboxes models by "Nyctaeus"
Special Thanks to:
- My friends and family,
- "Spoon",
- "Axem",
- "Mobius",
- "Nycateus",
- the SerRes-team,
- the community at Hard Light Productions,
- the Freespace Port-team,
- all contributors of the Freespace Upgrade Project
- and most of all, the Freespace 2 Source Code Project.
core (required)
All the assets and table files required to play any of the campaigns. Core Version: 9/1/2022 - 1.1.0 branch (crunch version)
SHA256: 4fd134ac5ce7b6f9a1a86c06629e7ae91f56c2f92f9e43a5a740f1c88921a5c9
Hellgate Ikeya (recommended)
The campaign and mission files for "Hellgate: Ikeya"
SHA256: 64abe478384d6766fdde89e6127830fcd84d6ee4e2bcab81f5cdf6079e2d723b
Light of Antares (recommended)
The campaign and mission files for "Light of Antares"
SHA256: f16cd4097ad5e4ec7851b47a060df33a72021b97d2459d354649f06f756c0df9
Rain On Ribos IV (recommended)
The campaign and mission files for "Rain on Ribos IV" - crunch version
SHA256: 0208750e4674536f922d29cb54824a061901ba4ec6e5d08378d4819ec880f388
Total Download Size
780 MB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
4fd134ac5ce7b6f9a1a86c06629e7ae91f56c2f92f9e43a5a740f1c88921a5c9 core.7z 64abe478384d6766fdde89e6127830fcd84d6ee4e2bcab81f5cdf6079e2d723b Hellgate Ikeya.7z f16cd4097ad5e4ec7851b47a060df33a72021b97d2459d354649f06f756c0df9 Light of Antares.7z 0208750e4674536f922d29cb54824a061901ba4ec6e5d08378d4819ec880f388 Rain On Ribos IV.7z
- core
- FSO [>=21.5.0-20220101]
- fsport-mediavps [~4.4.0]
- music
- apngs
- tacskins
- fsport [~3.6.8]
- tango
- tango_hi
- warble
- stu
- odeon
- MVPS [~4.4.2]
- MV_Music
- MV_Advanced1
- MV_Advanced2
- MV_Advanced3
- MV_Advanced4
- MV_AnimGlows
- MV_RadarIcons
- MV_Compatibility
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod MoGW-omni,fsport-mediavps,fsport,MVPS
Command-Line Flags (optional; ?)
-orbradar -rearm_timer -noscalevid -nomotiondebris -ship_choice_3d -weapon_choice_3d -3dwarp -no_screenshake