Last updated: 2018-09-03 (First release: 2015-01-20) mod.json

A few years after the Second Shivan Incursion, a recon and exploration team flying off of the GVD Minotaur stumble across something that will forever alter the future of the Alliance. Get drawn into something far beyond hope of control and face down some of the roughest odds this side of Gamma Draconis.
This mod is Ridiculous, and you should feel ridiculous while playing it.
This is the Director's Cut and the recommended, latest and greatest version.
Changelog for the campaign "Ridiculous"
Version 1.04
-Added one little thing to squash a bug that could sometimes halt progress in Mission 6
Director's Cut (Version 1.03)
-Overall difficulty has been rebalanced, particularly with the later missions. Should be a fair fight all the way up to Insane.
-Compatibility has been confirmed with the 2014 MediaVPs.
-Backgrounds have been spiced up and better matched between missions in the same systems.
-Some new voice acting talent has been incorporated. Keep your ears open for a few new speakers.
-Mission 5, "Fire and Flames", has been significantly overhauled.
-Mission 8, "Showdown", has had under-the-hood balance tweaks performed, a checkpoint system has been added (90% guaranteed to work), and another semisecret feature(s?) has been wedged in.
-Mission 9, "Indestructible", has gotten a new visual effect for invincibility.
-Some parts of the Director's Cut, such as Mission 9, use postprocessing. I developed the DC under FSO 3.7.1 build 10548, but any postprocessing-enabled build will work. Yes, this means compatibilty with older executables has been broken.
Version 1.02
-Fairly major bugfix: campaign progress could be achieved even if missions were failed. This has been rectified.
Version 1.01
-Fixed an issue with m3 briefing, stage 1
-Yanked out old testing missions and leftover backup files
Version 1.00
-Initial Release (Nov 10,2010)
Release Thread
Content (required)
SHA256: a7bb0846666e38fa1a0749feecb76903c539dff5bc4e5442a410619668a93b35
Total Download Size
125 MB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
a7bb0846666e38fa1a0749feecb76903c539dff5bc4e5442a410619668a93b35 Content.7z
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod Ridiculous,MVPS