Mods/ST:R Green
Last updated: 2022-12-05 (First release: 2022-10-08) mod.json

Please visit the forum thread for updates and new content!
Now with Bombers!
This is a Work In Progress.
Also it's my first attempt at... well lots of stuff.
Caveat Emptor. Management is not responsible for any and all unhapiness.
You have some options. I play with all of these whistles and bells and that's recommended!!! Choose what new features you want from the packages on install. Ideally, Head Tracking, Cockpits, Zoom, and the modern flight model all combine to create modern immersive gameplay. Use this thread or come to the Discord for updates, or to help me figure out how to do the rest. Testers/collaborators/requests/bug reports all warmly welcomed. Feedback on the flight and physics balance is most needed.
Now included:
GTF Apollo internally rendered CP
GTF Valkyrie internally rendered CP
GTF Hercules internally rendered CP
GTF Ulysses internally rendered CP
GTB Athena internally rendered CP
GTB Medusa internally rendered CP
Modern Thruster Package + Glide for GTFs and GTBs
Realistic Momentum for GTFs and GTBs
Newtonian Velocity Vector for all ships and weapons
Advanced Zoom Script - L = in 10%, K = out 10%, O = reset to 0%
3D Velocity Vector Script included with cockpit package
Coming Soon:
that seam on the Athena
GTF Apollo that's more interesting
GTF Loki internally rendered CP
GTB Zeus internally rendered CP
GTB Ursa internally rendered CP
Hercules MkII
Release Thread
core (required)
SHA256: 3939cce8b02ae7bdcfc915b312a4d09e8ee3b896a2d80be7748abf98aafa3bfe
Total Download Size
341 KB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
3939cce8b02ae7bdcfc915b312a4d09e8ee3b896a2d80be7748abf98aafa3bfe core.7z
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod S_ST_R,S_FS1,fsport-mediavps,str,fsport,MVPS,MjnMHs
Command-Line Flags (optional; ?)
-3dshockwave -soft_particles -fb_explosions -enable_shadows -targetinfo -dualscanlines -rearm_timer -deferred_cockpit -aa_preset 6 -fov .6