Last updated: 2024-03-27 (First release: 2005-07-26) mod.json

Only a few short months after the end of the Second Shivan Incursion, amongst the chaos of Capellan refugees and ever-heightening levels of piracy, mysterious things have been happening on the edge of GTVA space. Unexplained disappearances, strange rumours ...
Lieutenant Sunder Marcel never particularly enjoyed his assignment in the Luyten patrol. The pay wasn't bad, but this far from the central systems things got a little hazy. Nestled within asteroid belts and lurking over scarcely travelled supply lanes, it seemed there was always some desperate set of renegades waiting for their day's profit to come drifting by in poorly defended transport crates. The three pilots who jumped his convoy today, however, were not interested in money.
They need his help, and they're not prepared to take no for an answer. Already it's much too late to run; the landslide of events has long since started, and even now its dire effects are beginning to take hold. Things that were once clear now have no meaning, and reality is beginning to slip ...
[b]Everyone has a limit ...[/b]
Kelpie - Raa
Legion - Nico (OTT)
Plato - Cobra
Akira Yamaoka - Betrayal
Huge thanks to the SCP for their awesome work, and to phreak and taylor for their dedicated bugfixing - Transcend would have been impossible without it. Also thanks to Duelron1001 for his very helpful testing. And finally thanks to Goober for helping out with the Theora conversion.
Release Thread,34098.0.htmlFiles
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-mod Transcend,MVPS