Mods/Walls Closing - French Translation
Last updated: 2024-03-24 (First release: 2024-03-24) mod.json

French translation of Walls Closing.
Traduction française de Walls Closing.
- more accurate translation for turrets
- Walls Closing 1.3.0
- MVPS 4.7.3
- FSO 24.0
- initial release
Release Thread
Core (required)
Main translation files.
SHA256: f410dbde8bc800ef8228000d0c8af5750bbc63063d8c849f2cffedab9d82c935
French (recommended)
Files specific to French language.
SHA256: b89b5642bb1b93096e08a2188419da4750c5389c99e3aa9d334b9d1328dd3c54
Total Download Size
9 MB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
f410dbde8bc800ef8228000d0c8af5750bbc63063d8c849f2cffedab9d82c935 core.7z b89b5642bb1b93096e08a2188419da4750c5389c99e3aa9d334b9d1328dd3c54 french.7z
- Core
- WallsClosing [1.3.0]
- MVPS [4.7.3]
- FSO [24.0.0]
- MjnMHs [1.4.10]
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod WallsClosing_translation,WallsClosing,MVPS,MjnMHs
Command-Line Flags (optional; ?)
-enable_shadows -soft_particles -3dshockwave -rearm_timer -orbradar -targetinfo -dualscanlines -3dwarp -warp_flash -stretch_menu -aa -ambient 0.0 -light 0.45 -emissive 0.02 -shadow_quality 3 -bloom_intensity 10 -spec_point 0.7 -spec_static 2.1 -spec_tube 1.3