Last updated: 2021-11-25 (First release: 1998-11-24) mod.json

Three years have passed since the collapse of the Sol jump nodes. The Galactic Terran Alliance have just successfully completed their counterstrike against the confused Shivan forces. But now, things are going bad for the GTA. Shivan ships are pushing back in to reclaimed systems, in higher numbers than during the first months of the Great War. With the Terrans and Vasudans still recovering from the loss of key bases and ship yards, the Shivans are preparing for the next great push over.
You are one of the many pilots stationed at Galatea Station in the Vasuda system. As a seasoned veteran of the 14-year war, you look at your new assignment as one of confusion, as you are now sworn to protect the very system you vowed to destroy. Things go slowly on the station. You spend most of your time protecting the construction of the Vasuda 5 Shipyards, the largest Terran-Vasudan shipyard ever built. From the new shipyards, the T-V alliance plans to take the fight to the Shivan homeworld.
While conducting a routine attack on HOL cruisers near the jump to Antares, a pair of GTD Orion class destroyers jump out of the middle of nowhere. Where did these ships come from? What happened to the crew? What will become of the GTA? These questions are answered in Awakenings.
Mission Design: Nicole Hoying
Story: Nicole Hoying
Campaign Design: Nicole Hoying
.TBL File Design: John Hanton
Custom Maps: John Hanton
Admiral Gloval: Chris Taylor
Admiral Porter: Jennifer Hunnington
Wingman #1: Patrick Widner
Wingman #2: Jayson Holovacs
Wingman #3: Jon Lee
Wingman #4: Phil Hall
Wingman #5: Mike Penka
Vasudan Translator: Jeff Montegomry
Terran Command: Brian Illner
Admrial Green/GTC Jefferson: Tom Rutan
Cmdr. Fokker (GTC Wolf): Michael Heinz
Captain Leeds (GTC London): Mike Large
Dr. Lang: Nicole Hoying
Narrarator: Michael Heinz
Razor Blade
Heiko Herrmann
John Hanton
Ben Dekarske
Francis Avila
Release Thread
Content (required)
Core files
SHA256: ab263cd9bdd5b52ac55159f7cbc9834a988784e3be3bb67166c338f246687853
voice (recommended)
Voice files
SHA256: 49462daa1e78ec9d91b8b2d7358a6df575e3391adf756d81024262ec9ec3f8e3
Total Download Size
16 MB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
ab263cd9bdd5b52ac55159f7cbc9834a988784e3be3bb67166c338f246687853 Content.7z 49462daa1e78ec9d91b8b2d7358a6df575e3391adf756d81024262ec9ec3f8e3 voice.7z
- Content
- FSO [>=21.0.0]
- fsport [>=3.6.8]
- fsport-mediavps [~4.4.0]
- MVPS [~4.4.0]
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod fsport-mediavps,awakenings,fsport,MVPS,MjnMHs