Mods/Battle For Altair
Last updated: 2023-11-03 (First release: 2022-08-23) mod.json

After the narrow destruction of the dreaded Lucifer, humanity struggles to survive as its homeworld is marooned from the cataclysmic maelstrom of the Lucifer's death. The alliance dwindles as the Hammer of Light and rebel factions arise and fight amongst themselves. Perhaps there may be a solution to re-unite humanity to its homeworld, but it takes true piloting skills and tactical knowledge to find the outcome: victory or failure.
Author: Adam N. Rorabaugh
Converted and prepped for Knossos by Fusion
AltairBattle (required)
SHA256: 9ce3de9dd678312fe3c5d6fc764ea5ac0f8b29569e9627b7cf6e7cd7737d686f
Total Download Size
30 KB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
9ce3de9dd678312fe3c5d6fc764ea5ac0f8b29569e9627b7cf6e7cd7737d686f AltairBattle.7z
- AltairBattle
- fsport
- fsport-mediavps
- FSO [>=22.2.0]
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod battleforaltair,fsport,fsport-mediavps,MVPS
Command-Line Flags (optional; ?)
-emissive_light -3dshockwave -soft_particles -aa -fb_thrusters -fb_explosions -enable_shadows -targetinfo -dualscanlines -ship_choice_3d -weapon_choice_3d -3dwarp -warp_flash