Mods/Blue Planet Complete
Last updated: 2024-02-11 (First release: 2017-11-12) mod.json

Fifty years ago, the Shivans devastated our worlds and cut us off from Earth. Eighteen years ago we struck back, and met disaster. Our economy in shambles, our people ready to revolt, we once again find ourselves on the edge of extinction.
Now, in search of hope, we look to our home. The GTVA 14th Battlegroup will spearhead the effort to re-establish contact with Earth.
The FreeSpace story continues. Join us.
[center][b]WHAT'S INSIDE[/b][/center]
[list][li]More than fifty missions. Hours of music and voice acting. A story that was named 'the best military science fiction of the year' in 2014. This is the world of Blue Planet.
[li][b]Age of Aquarius[/b]. Begin the story with 2007's smash hit, fully voice acted and lovingly retuned. Join the 14th Battlegroup on a desperate flight through a nightmare of burnt rock, cold fire, and horrifying visions. Give up your humanity to save everything you love. Keep an eye out for new story content, hidden secrets, rebalanced weapons, and hints of what's to come!
[li][b]War in Heaven: Part 1[/b]. The war will change you forever. Bloody yourself in a dark, militant psychological drama. Fly some of the most beloved missions ever made, from social battles to epic fleet fights. Now fully voice acted by a professional cast, rebalanced, rebuilt, and packed with new content!
[li][b]War in Heaven: Part 2[/b]. Push yourself to the limits of morality to discover the truth. Take on strange and dizzying new missions alongside the elite of the elite. Hang out with your comrades and prep for the next mission in the Dreamscape, now featuring integrated training. Expanded, revamped, rewritten, and ready to hunt.
[li][b]FreeSpace Blue[/b]: Replay the classic FreeSpace 2 campaign with retuned weapon balance and enhanced missions. Join us in identifying tweaks and changes we can make.[/li][/list]
Release Thread
bpc-advanced3 (optional)
Optional high-resolution textures and effects
SHA256: 421123565b08ee660e22532043401856ef1d30995d0bf696f627ca5d38bf93c6
bpc-audio3 (required)
SHA256: 418ebb700f8b7dbfc4736af1907639c6d4b1bbf5caca010c270c8a386fa4d41c
bpc-core (required)
SHA256: 96c4ec474d361c33da25576d660d8ca5a1a8cd9dcf3af818edd9bcbe603d1bbb
bpc-audio2 (required)
SHA256: caef4a73f38aa479aba9d9078b195f8375176532a4e35e541a554b300c71f612
bpc-visuals4 (required)
SHA256: 2878da732ffb487ef103070901ff23370eee9ad6178f84dea038cb537c90a923
bpc-visuals3 (required)
SHA256: 65365c7f3a401bd8f43afa1e0b5ce03cf77741103b8130b4a0a94b29ae0fb21d
bpc-fs2blue (recommended)
The original FreeSpace 2 campaign, rebalanced by the Blue Planet team
SHA256: 14934e694d9fefb5e20769121a763e1fce04891237ad546cbe2049f5bde3931d
bpc-advanced1 (optional)
Optional high-resolution textures and effects
SHA256: 0e3ce3891c5897ec27dbf829be00cdad9f615aeeb443c849bbc023f14a6eb5ef
bpc-visuals1 (required)
SHA256: a871da72485ab75b3ebf4a39b6f2884fd917bd8b23ed68a4b3aa5631516c1690
bpc-advanced2 (optional)
Optional high-resolution textures and effects
SHA256: eaa563500890f2f80191c132f278328a4e6d5f5c1b0656a704486cc25607b8ba
bpc-audio1 (required)
SHA256: d2ebc9752472ac4eecb2f6efc6f79edb3a174872e59854b3e00c66d16a2cdb66
bpc-visuals2 (required)
SHA256: 7d2cd5dc235ff71ed7edb8c2a7a92958dfef75f610e45d066c11a42c61254bf2
bpc-visuals5 (required)
SHA256: e36b0c5b4431f0bd1e9a2e31474714f7c48473f012420d26f0342e1c7101d831
Total Download Size
2 GB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
421123565b08ee660e22532043401856ef1d30995d0bf696f627ca5d38bf93c6 bpc-advanced3.7z 418ebb700f8b7dbfc4736af1907639c6d4b1bbf5caca010c270c8a386fa4d41c bpc-audio3.7z 96c4ec474d361c33da25576d660d8ca5a1a8cd9dcf3af818edd9bcbe603d1bbb bpc-core.7z caef4a73f38aa479aba9d9078b195f8375176532a4e35e541a554b300c71f612 bpc-audio2.7z 2878da732ffb487ef103070901ff23370eee9ad6178f84dea038cb537c90a923 bpc-visuals4.7z 65365c7f3a401bd8f43afa1e0b5ce03cf77741103b8130b4a0a94b29ae0fb21d bpc-visuals3.7z 14934e694d9fefb5e20769121a763e1fce04891237ad546cbe2049f5bde3931d bpc-fs2blue.7z 0e3ce3891c5897ec27dbf829be00cdad9f615aeeb443c849bbc023f14a6eb5ef bpc-advanced1.7z a871da72485ab75b3ebf4a39b6f2884fd917bd8b23ed68a4b3aa5631516c1690 bpc-visuals1.7z eaa563500890f2f80191c132f278328a4e6d5f5c1b0656a704486cc25607b8ba bpc-advanced2.7z d2ebc9752472ac4eecb2f6efc6f79edb3a174872e59854b3e00c66d16a2cdb66 bpc-audio1.7z 7d2cd5dc235ff71ed7edb8c2a7a92958dfef75f610e45d066c11a42c61254bf2 bpc-visuals2.7z e36b0c5b4431f0bd1e9a2e31474714f7c48473f012420d26f0342e1c7101d831 bpc-visuals5.7z
- bpc-core
- bpc-fs2blue
- MjnMHs [~1.4.10]
- NTF_Ship_Textures [~2.1.2]
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod blueplanetcomplete,MVPS,MjnMHs,NTF_Ship_Textures
Command-Line Flags (optional; ?)
-dualscanlines -targetinfo -rearm_timer -3dwarp -warp_flash -nomotiondebris