Mods/Deneb III
Last updated: 2023-03-18 (First release: 2017-09-23) mod.json

A three-mission minicampaign set during the height of the Battle of Deneb in 2335. As a Vasudan pilot assigned to the PVD Guardian, you must defend your systems against the Shivan advance at any cost.
This campaign was the grand prize for the Phoenix alternate reality game to promote ST:R, and has story tie-ins with Phoenix, ST:R, Shrouding the Light, FS1, and FS2. It also includes a short story fanfic.
Release Thread
Content (required)
Core files
SHA256: 03b36eeed0b12c9fa48747f261f49724b4516a9aeccf37a652dfbe969e001876
Total Download Size
100 MB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
03b36eeed0b12c9fa48747f261f49724b4516a9aeccf37a652dfbe969e001876 Content.7z
- Content
- fsport-mediavps [>=3.6.0]
- fsport [>=3.6.0]
- MVPS [>=4.3.0]
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod fsport-mediavps,denebiii,fsport,MVPS