Mods/Freespace Port Recharged

Last updated: 2024-11-27 (First release: 2024-09-20) mod.json

OPEN BETA A new way to play the classic FSPort Media VPs campaign! Move like a Starfury with GXYZ flight mechanics Face enemies with AI that makes even Fury AI look tame, Brutal knife-fight dogfights with rapid-fire primaries and enhanced secondaries. Ineffective blob turrets replaced with devastating CIWS / PDC screens Capital-on-capital ship combat with swarm torpedoes and main artillery exchanges. Tactical pause via the slowcomms script Wingman gauge script so you can tell who is in a fighter and who is in a bomber Manage your wing mates with deployable Rally Points Not for the faint of heart – ReCharged is faster, harder, and to survive, you will need to fight smarter.

Release Thread


core (required)

core.7z (1 MB) | | |
SHA256: d09e477966061accfd63c5899c3d057a873de65ec91726d1c2b749cda4f60798

Total Download Size

1 MB

SHA256SUM (optional; ?)

d09e477966061accfd63c5899c3d057a873de65ec91726d1c2b749cda4f60798 core.7z


Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)

-mod fsport_recharged,fsport-mediavps,fsport,MVPS,MjnMHs,selfgamers_radaricon