Mods/Just Another Day
Last updated: 2022-08-18 (First release: 2004-09-04) mod.json

Today was like any other day. The birds were singing, the sky was blue. Then came tomorrow...
[b]Alpha 1,[/b] newly recruited to the GTVA. Your lifetime experience handling such unknown craft as the TIE Fighter and the Ferret puts you incharge of the great Alpha Wing.
It is now time for your very first assignment. Loads of spam are hurting everybody in the GTVA, their mailboxes are too large for GMail2, bandwidth is so slow, it takes an hour to download 100TB. Truely dark times. Fight off the forces of darkness and free your mailbox from the cluches of EEEEEEEVIIIIIIIL!
Included is:
- Just Another Day
- Just Another Day 2: Electric Boogaloo
- Just Another Day 3: Shivans on a Plane
- Just Another Day Christmas Special
Get ready to see the following things in random order across 3 short campaigns!
- plotholes!
- copyright infringements!
- references to Disco Music!
- the power of ETAM, the next-next-generation of ETAK!
- God*!
- unexpected twist ending!
*God featured may not be your God. Availability based on location.
[b]Mission Design & Writing[/b]:
[b]Some Art Borrowed From[/b]:
Spoon, Anime, Internet Image Search
The Trammps, Village People, The Bee Gees
They Might Be Giants, E.S. Posthumus
Gustav Mahler, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, John Williams
Release Thread
Assets (required)
Models, effects, sounds, music, etc.
SHA256: 795a5489e5945f937b85f8995c823dc092bcbcbe55ee4aa7f47e1e9a0106d1be
Root (required)
Missions, data files, config files, scripts, etc.
SHA256: 0480e527f7988c7bc62ae3ca96f41cdfcac76252bdc4b3ef2aaa3759425422cf
Total Download Size
91 MB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
795a5489e5945f937b85f8995c823dc092bcbcbe55ee4aa7f47e1e9a0106d1be Assets.7z 0480e527f7988c7bc62ae3ca96f41cdfcac76252bdc4b3ef2aaa3759425422cf Root.7z
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod jad,MVPS
Command-Line Flags (optional; ?)
-soft_particles -fb_thrusters -fb_explosions -dualscanlines -post_process -fxaa -ambient_factor 60 -bloom_intensity 30