Mods/Just Another Day 2.22
Last updated: 2024-02-26 (First release: 2017-02-22) mod.json

In the year [b]23XX[/b], the spiteful god of the universe, [b]FRED[/b], and the legendary hero of the universe, [b]Alpha 1[/b], have both disappeared. Without any heroes or gods to contain this crazy universe, FRED's nightmarish demigod slaves, the [b]Beta Testers[/b], want FRED's power for themselves. All that stands before them are a bunch of [b]overconfident teenagers[/b] with massively overpowered spaceships.
In this second part of a three part series, super slacker and super stubborn fighter pilot Holley Mackerel continues her fight against the incomprehensible Beta Testers, while still finding time to hang out with her friends, standing in line for limited merchandise, and waiting for her true love that she's never met, Alpha 1. Meanwhile entertainment award-eligible bomber pilot Delta 1, plans for his future while dealing with missing hats meant to impress girls, going on dates with mysteriously appearing girls, and being tormented by a variety of short cranky girls.
Any similarity with Neon Genesis Evangelion and countless other anime/video game/pop culture entities is [i]completely[/i] coincidental. Maybe. Possibly. That is what our lawyers advised us to say. [sub]I've never heard of this Japan place even.[/sub]
[b]Non-Exhaustive Feature Set[/b]:
Even more pretty cool pretty missions
Even more beautifully illustrated visual novel storytelling with animated sprites
Radicaler mission selection map so you can replay your favorite mission over and over
Even more bucket-loads of new and original weapons such the Prometheus UD8 and the TempestXL
Still the same but still amazingly magical powerup system to replenish health and ammo without needing to wait 50 years for a support ship
Another karaoke during the credits
You will also bake cakes.
[b]~FREDding & Scripting Wizardy~[/b]
[b]~Mostly Tpyo-Free Writing~[/b]
[b]~Unthanked Testing~[/b]
~Lead Otaku Artiste~
(Holley, Delta 1, Epsilon 1
Merv, Meddy, Sherry, Harriet
Alex, Anna, Ninth)
[i]~Other images lovingly borrowed from~[/i]
Legend of Galactic Heroes (GTVA Officers)
Rebuild of Evangelion (Lt Cmdr Obvious)
Gundam (GTVA Pilots)
Baccano (10th Beta Tester)
Activision's Website (11th Beta Tester)
Cromartie High School (Delinquent Henchmen)
Super Robot Wars (FRED)
Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale (Lemongrass Market Shopkeep)
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (EXCLAIMATIONS!)
Haado Gei (Hard Gay)
[i]~Amazing Community Models and Textures~[/i]
Aesaar, Aldo, Ancient Shivan War Team, Axem, BlackWolf
Bobboau, bigchunk, bobbtmann, BrotherByron, c914
Col. Fishguts, Chaitanya Krishnan, Dark, DahBlount
Droid803, Esarai, GalEmp, FSF, FreeSpaceKing,
Ironclad Games, Kingdom Hearts, Luis Dias, LtNarol,
Machina Terra Team, Mikhael, MjnMixael, Nico/Venom,
peterv, porotoparker, Raa, Rampage, Rga_Noris, StratComm
SolCommand, ShivanHunter, s_petsev, Raven2001, Vasudan Admiral
Volition, WeatherOp, Zacam
[b]~Fancy Pants Effects~[/b]
Spoon, MjnMixael, Darius
[b]~Transformatively Reused Music~[/b]
Yoko Takahashi, Shiro Sagisu, Matsutani Suguru,
Iwasaki Taku, Takanashi Yasuharu
George Frideric, Handel, Gustav Mahler, Jack Wall
Immediate Music, Bob Buckley, diotrans
Hirokazu Tanaka, Keiichi Suzuki, Kotaro Nakagawa
Hirano Yoshihisa, Momoi Haruko, Haneoka Kei
Yasumasa Kitagawa, Katsuhisa Hattori
Lazytown, Koji Kondo, Matthias Verbinnen, Hajime Hirasawa
tobyfox, Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory
[b]~Heisted Sounds~[/b]
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Rebuild of Evangelion
Pani Poni Dash, Mark E Buckland
Spoon, Volition, Super Smash Brothers
Mischief Makers, Crysis, Dark Souls
Gee1337, Legend of Galactic Heroes
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
[b]~Special Thanks~[/b]
Spoon - Again...
niffiwan & DahBlount - Ancient Coding Language Analysis
General Battuta - Inspiring Wordsmith
redsniper - Fellow lazy nerd
Japan - Just because
Release Thread
Anime (required)
Animated sprites to fill your hard drive
SHA256: a00954375ed66e1a8d013713834bad85dea3b9be504f98bf9656a325846e3a59
Assets (required)
Models, effects, sounds, music, etc.
SHA256: d108408271394f97740ae7f7240daf21c2e865eeb10012416eb83ae190e54475
Root (required)
Missions, data files, config files, scripts, etc.
SHA256: 0cd0af4aabc8c467b2b93ac8186acd882644e216b95d22232734b99a12f84136
Total Download Size
1 GB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
a00954375ed66e1a8d013713834bad85dea3b9be504f98bf9656a325846e3a59 anime.7z d108408271394f97740ae7f7240daf21c2e865eeb10012416eb83ae190e54475 assets.7z 0cd0af4aabc8c467b2b93ac8186acd882644e216b95d22232734b99a12f84136 root.7z
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod jad2_22,jad2_21,MVPS
Command-Line Flags (optional; ?)
-soft_particles -dualscanlines -3dwarp -warp_flash -fb_explosions -fb_thrusters -emissive_light -post_process -fxaa -missile_lighting -ambient_factor 60 -bloom_intensity 30