Mods/Lost in the Mist
Last updated: 2021-03-11 (First release: 2021-03-03) mod.json

Beyond the Ancient Knossos portal discovered in Gamma Draconis lies a mysterious nebula which is possibly the remnant of a supernova. We have travelled farther than any Terrans in the history of subspace travel. The nebula, however, as severely limited the long-range sensors of the GTD Aquitaine. We are sending our fighter wings to explore the immediate vicinity.
Kappa wing of the 107th Ravens is among those launched. However, things did not go as we have expected...
Lost in the Mist is a short mini-campaign takes place during the events of FreeSpace 2. Although it uses no voice-acting and any associated mods, it uses stock retail voices, and is tested with any newer version of the MediaVPs. The campaign is two missions long, with a cutscene mission at the end.
[b]Changes in 1.1.0:[/b]
[li]Revamped Mission 2[/li]
Release Thread
Core (required)
A campaign content.
SHA256: 8ce80155b2a1ef0945aa362bc982969e0625223b2a09eb42dc3e1c68811bd676
Total Download Size
11 KB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
8ce80155b2a1ef0945aa362bc982969e0625223b2a09eb42dc3e1c68811bd676 Core.7z
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod lostinthemist,MVPS
Command-Line Flags (optional; ?)
-3dshockwave -emissive_light -soft_particles -aa -fb_explosions -fb_thrusters -enable_shadows -orbradar -targetinfo -dualscanlines -rearm_timer -ballistic_gauge -ship_choice_3d -weapon_choice_3d -3dwarp -warp_flash -portable_mode -fullscreen_window