Mods/SHMUPSpace: Battle of Deneb
Last updated: 2019-10-20 (First release: 2012-07-16) mod.json

What is SHMUPSpace?
SHMUPSpace is an arcade style mod for FreeSpace Open engine that follows the lines of more traditional shoot em ups (or shmup) of the late 80s and early 90s. Games like R-Type, Gradius, Thunder Force, and Gleylancer were my key inspirations in designing this mod. Then again, I did put a few nods here and there to Spoon's TDS (Please, please play that as well!) mod. TDS was what gave me the initial drive to make this mod in the first place.
That being said, it's time for something different. ALPHA ONE is always claimed to be the godlike he really is!
Is There a Story to This?
No....well kinda. Even if there is a story there, don't expect it to make any bit of sense, even much less sense than Loliquest Dimensional Eclipse. Just don't expect it to follow FreeSpace continuity any one bit if it makes the game non deterministic (shields and flak guns never existed for anyone! Beams are called flux cannons instead are used only for bosses or really, really major enemies. Flux cannons only fire in a fixed direction).
How Does This Work? (AKA How to Play)
The goal of the game is to fight through each of the missions, blowing up as many bad guys as you can (cruiser class ships and below are valid targets to destroy, though larger ships take more effort than smaller ones) where at the end you may or may not face an end boss of that stage. You're given 3 lives at the start of the mission. If you die, you lose a life. When you restart the mission from either death or from the escape menu you are sent to a predetermined checkpoint (you get NO choice whether you go there or not) and lose all your upgrades in the process. If you die on your last life, you start from the beginning of the mission (at least in the first mission which is of course this release. Later releases will send you back to a selection screen after the first mission).
There are 3 types of upgrades, each of which are found inside a TTC 1 container and can be exposed by blow the cargo container up:
Red - Symbolized not only by being the color red but also have the letter "P" on them. These weapons upgrade the laser your ship has. This upgrade does carry between levels.
Blue - Symbolized by a blue spinning ring with the secondary acquired in the middle, it loads your ship with that secondary weapon pictured. This does not carry between levels.
Green - Green spinning right with a green plus sign in the middle, this restores 25% of your ship's health. Mr One Hitpoint Wonder doesn't get these anymore.
The controls of this mod are as follows (when you initially create your pilot):
Arrow Keys - Move
Z - Fire primary.
X - Fire secondary.
C - Change Primary Bank
V - Change Secondary Bank
Shift V - Change Secondary Fire Mode
If you decide to not use the pilot file, this mod only uses these controls in the control menu which you may just want to rebind:
Left Thrust
Right Thrust
Up Thrust
Down Thrust
Fire Primary Weapon
Fire Secondary Weapon
Cycle Primary Weapon
Cycle Secondary Weapon
Cycle Secondary Fire Mode
Release Thread
contents (required)
SHA256: 44de7f0b33312917315070fc054f759b6d57acd1ad8758b0c84deaefb0fdc70e
Total Download Size
43 MB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
44de7f0b33312917315070fc054f759b6d57acd1ad8758b0c84deaefb0fdc70e contents.7z
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod shumpspace,MVPS