Mods/Vassago's Dirge
Last updated: 2023-04-16 (First release: 2010-07-26) mod.json

You're alone. A bed - a hospital room. Fragments of memory: the derelict station. Your breath, loud against your helmet faceplate. Shivans moving against the hull. Mjolnir fire - green flame cut into the Capella sky. [i]Orpheus.[/i] The Shivan destroyer. [b]Vassago.[/b] There are men here now. GTI. They have questions.
Vassago's Dirge is a 6 playable mission campaign about hunting down the SD Vassago and the mysteries that surround it. It takes place during the main FreeSpace 2 campaign, after the first Sathanas was destroyed and as the GTVA pursues Admiral Bosch and the Iceni in the mysterious nebula.
[b]Selected Reviews[/b]:
[i]"One of the most compelling, atmospheric, artistic mods the community has seen, delivered by an auteur and a peerless FREDder. Like the titular dirge, it is both beautiful and funereal - a desaturated journey into the most compelling and unearthly parts of the FreeSpace universe.
There are moments in this campaign that will shock, and others - more disturbing yet - that will chill you with their unsettling, eerie familiarity."[/i] ~ General Battuta
[i]"I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything I just saw, but what I do know is that this was a masterstroke. There were elements in here that I didn't even know the engine was capable of handling. The soundtrack utilization was nothing short of genius, and the introduction of that style added an atmosphere to the campaign that I've never experienced before. The missions were insanely varied for such a short campaign, often challenging but never outright unfair. And the implications raised by the story are something I'll be chewing on for a long time."[/i] ~ Mongoose
[i]Story & Mission Design[/i]
[i]Beta Testing[/i]
General Battuta
Axem - GTC Cretheus
The FSPort Team - GTI Polaris
Nico/Venom - Shivan
aldo14 - Spacesuit
StratComm/Mikhael - Mjnolir (though I don't know who rotated it)
The Scroll of Atankharzim Team - Mission Loading Bar
Lt Cannonfodder - Planets
Black Wolf - HeadAnis
HerraTohtori - Skybox
[i]Voice Acting[/i]
Organized by Admiral Nelson
Dekker - CAPT White
Iain Baker - CAPT Sibelius
Andreas Rybak - Alpha 3
Goober5000 - SAR 2
Special thanks to Paraspacer for a new Vasudan translator method
Volition - Vassago Beam, Comm Node Beam, Beeping
XPlane - Annoying Beep Sound
Leady (from - Breathing Sound Effect
composed by...
[i]Sergei Rachmaninov[/i]
- Piano Concerto No. 2 (Mainhall, M1, M2, M7, M9, Credits)
- Symphony No.1 (M3)
- Piano Concerto No. 3 (M4, M5 Briefing, M5)
- Symphonic Dances for Orchestra (M6)
- Symphonic Dances for 2 Pianos (M6)
- Isle of the Dead (M7 Briefing)
- Prelude in C-Sharp Major (M8)
- Fragments (Debrief Success)
- Song Without Words (Debrief Average)
[i]Pyotr Tchaikovsky[/i]
- Marche Slave (M2 Briefing)
[i]Alexander Borodin[/i]
- In the Steppes of Central Russia (M3 Briefing)
[i]Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov[/i]
- Russian Easter Festival Overture (M6 Briefing)
[i]Special Thanks[/i]
StarSlayer - for helping getting me started with the story
Spoon - for providing a daily dose of earworm Jpop songs
Snail - for finding me a model I didn't use in the end (sorry buddy)
FUBAR and karajorma - FREDding assistance
General Battuta - Free Association FREDding inspiration
Fury - for letting me test the 3.6.12 mediavps and letting me integrate it into the mod before release
Backslash - for coding in a fix to a problem at the very end
MjnMixael - for creating revised CB-Animations
#hard-light - for letting me pepper you with questions that would influence the campaign
SCP Team - for awesome additions to FreeSpace that made all of this possible
Volition - for making an awesome game!
Release Thread
Root (required)
Missions, data files, config files, scripts, etc.
SHA256: ca673229ea25f3303b48de4c1bf6e65459332c9d754c73685c5fe25e699222f0
Assets (required)
Models, effects, sounds, music, etc.
SHA256: 1c9613e0e32a35032f4359c380d0477d35425bdd8eca0f871d95b00e362e0f78
Voice (recommended)
Voice Acting, added by Admiral Nelson
SHA256: b7ac9c375519a9a6c0989b4fa37040bff12efed500bbae1f60c04bc1b2c107a6
Total Download Size
524 MB
SHA256SUM (optional; ?)
ca673229ea25f3303b48de4c1bf6e65459332c9d754c73685c5fe25e699222f0 Root.7z 1c9613e0e32a35032f4359c380d0477d35425bdd8eca0f871d95b00e362e0f78 Assets.7z b7ac9c375519a9a6c0989b4fa37040bff12efed500bbae1f60c04bc1b2c107a6 Voice.7z
Mod Flag List Order (required order; may include optional mods; ?)
-mod vassagos_dirge,MVPS
Command-Line Flags (optional; ?)
-soft_particles -dualscanlines -3dwarp -warp_flash -no_vsync -post_process -no_emissive_light -missile_lighting -ambient_factor 60 -bloom_intensity 30